“Reality is an impression, a belief.”

– DENIS JOHNSON Laughing Matters

What do we want with books anyway? There are too many books already….

– Henry Miller Tropic of Cancer

…life was neither linear or tidy

– TREVANIAN The Summer of Katya

What would normal people think if they knew what went on in a writer’s mind below the surface?

– Elizabeth Goudge The Scent of Water

…who can understand literature unless he has suffered?

– Thorton Wilder The Cabala

…she understood that you only had to forget yourself and love others and you would be calm, happy and beautiful.

– LEO TOLSTOY Anna Karenina

It is simply amazing, at that age, when you’re thirteen or fourteen, how you can take being loved for granted, how (even when you are wanted) you can feel utterly alone.

– JOHN IRVING Avenue of Mysteries