“Nobody knows what’s in the marriage next door. It’s tough enough figuring out what’s in your own marriage.”


“What kind of man chooses physical labor over a contemplative life?”

– RICHARD RUSSO “Voice” in Trajectory

Still, life had a way of adding day to day.

– VIRGINIA WOOLF Mrs. Dalloway

“Happiness isn’t relative, any more than suffering is. No one is going to feel grateful that his life isn’t any worse.”

– MARTIN AMIS London Fields

“He had for too long regarded situations as temporary; henceforth he would look upon every stretch of time, however short, as precious. Time would never be missed again.”

– V.S. NAIPAUL A House for Mr. Bisas

“The past was always disguising itself, disappearing into the needs of the moment. Whatever happened got replaced by the official story or competing fictions.”

– ROBERT STONE Outerbridge Reach

“The man who says he has no illusions has at least that one…”

– JOSEPH CONRAD Under Western Eyes

“I tried to tell her how if you could not accept the past and its burden there was no future, for without one there cannot be the other, and how if you could accept the past you might hope for the future, for only out of the past can you make the future.”

– ROBERT PENN WARREN All the King’s Men